Our trip to Colorado looked a little different then expected. This summer we were supposed to spend it in an Airstream traveling across the USA, unfortunately things fell through and we were not able to go. I was disappointed at first but I knew there was purpose. On the trip we were going to make a stop in Colorado to meet up with friends for an adventure and talk future content ideas. I love innovative entrepreneurs like us!
Mike is a Jedi at finding crazy deals for flights, its kind of like a hobby for him. Mike found us a really crazy deal on some flights (definite lack of leg room style) but we were on our way. We planned to stay in downtown Denver for two nights and then drive about an hour north to Fort Collins for another night to stay with friends. Our flight landed a little after 1pm and we knew Dash was on the edge of a meltdown since he needed a nap. We rented a car and to save time while waiting for our bag Mike took the shuttle and the car seat and went to the car rental spot to pick up our car #teamwork!
As soon as we made it to the car Dash fell asleep, unfortunately that nap only last 30ish minutes (he typically naps 1-2 hours still). The first two nights we found an incredible deal on an Airbnb so we were on our way there when we realized we needed to eat lunch. We drove by a shake shack and quickly made a u-turn, ahhhh! We made it to our Airbnb dropped off our bags and caved to Dash's pleading to find him a park. We had a friend recommend the City Park and Dash was so excited to be able to run free for a few minutes. I say few minutes because the lack of sleep hit him and he began to walk around like a zombie. We scooped him up and headed back to the Airbnb to rest for a few minutes and wash up for dinner. Mike is also an avid yelper always looking at the best options for food and coffee whenever we go. On this trip he had many other things going on that he let me be in charge of food and coffee options. For the first night we wanted something easy so we checked out The Denver Central Market. This place has options and a bar ha! To be honest this meal was not very glamorous as Dash was done and the meltdowns were strong, loud and long. Learned a lesson to maybe order in next time. We did however have a very yummy meal. Mike chose a poke spot and I had a really amazing salad (with a side of beer)! I carried out zombie baby back to the car and we all called it a night before the sun was gone that night.
We all got a great sleep and we were ready to start a new day, and it was Father's Day. We were up earlier then most restaurants to be open so we went for coffee first at Crema. Dash picked out a blueberry maple muffin and barely shared. Next up breakfast we checked out a spot called Port Side, Mike had an egg sandwich and I was basic with the avocado toast. After breakfast we found another park for Dash to run around at and then headed back to the Airbnb for nap time. After nap we were ready for lunch. Side note we are not really foodies but we really enjoy trying new things and checking out cool spots. Most of the time we tend to share something so we can try a few options and because we're frugal. For lunch I found one of our favorite chains from LA called True Food Kitchen. This place is full of organic, super healthy options with amazing juices. Mike had the tempeh sandwich and I had the ancient grains bowl. Dash got a cheese pizza and almost ate the whole pie!!! Since it was Father's Day I asked Mike what he would like or like to do and he said I would like new shoes and a tesla (he's only 1/2 kidding about he tesla). I knew a great spot where Dash could run around and he could get both...the mall! Mike got a new pair of shoes and he got to sit in a tesla at the tesla store. Win win! We spent a few hours there and after chasing Dash around I was ready for dinner but nothing too big or heavy. We found a great spot called Work and Call that had great dishes that were easily shareable. We really like small plates and sharing! After dinner we went back to the Airbnb and snuggled in for a movie night while Mike edited the Vlog (we watched Air Buddies).
In the morning we woke up and had breakfast at a diner called snooze we had giant pancakes and the coffee was no good so we had to make another stop for that after. Before we grabbed coffee we packed up our stuff and left the Airbnb. For our coffee spot I chose Blue Sparrow Coffee and it was a highlight for me. This spot was so cute, they had a flat white and a rooftop patio. We piled back into the rental car and headed north to Fort Collins. Our friends were so kind to offer up there home and even had a bin of toys Dash was so thrilled with he sobbed when we left. When we arrived Dash was ready for a nap and Mike headed out with the guys to visit the Otter Box store. The marketing director met us there and told us all about the products and the really cool initiative they're now involved with. There were kids that came to Otter and had an idea to solve a problem. They heard of kids in other parts of the world that didn't have lights and couldn't do there homework of there parents couldn't do chores or work. So they came up with a unique lantern that Otter is helping develop in the store and then they will deliver them to a small village in Guatemala. I mean cue tears and praise hands for a generation of compassionate kids loving well. When Dash woke up we went to THE coolest park I've ever gone to. They had made these silos out in a field that had a huge slide going through them, they had a zip line, awesome swings and climbers.
Our friends that we stayed with have three kids that are not kids but young adults and offered to watch Dash so the parents could go for dinner. Again cue tears and praise hands because I was mom exhausted and needed a date night with my forever boyfriend. We went to a restaurant that had a five course tasting menu where the chef sends out whatever they think our table would want. I have never experienced dining like that and to be kid-less for a meal was phenomenal. When we went back to their home we stayed up talking late, dreaming and encouraging each other to pursue our dreams and not waste time because we are only promised now. Seriously when you find friends like these keep them close!! The next morning we were obviously the first ones up so I slipped out to pick up coffee and muffins at a local spot called Toast. When everyone woke up we got to work. Our friends work for an organization we've partnered with called Convoy of Hope. I could go on and on about this organization but I'll save it for another post, you can just check the website out to find out how you can change the lives of people in your communities and the world. We did a podcast for the first time and Mike and I talked about choosing each other and doing that daily after we got married. Choosing to put our family above anything, how we travel, our mission to love well and why we chose to partner with Convoy. We sat around afterwards talking and dreaming about ways we can create content to support Convoy until it was nap time for Dash and lunch time. While Dash napped Mike went out with the guys again this time to a ranch to ride 4-wheelers and get all muddy. Dash woke up and was heartbroken to have to leave but we had to rush to the airport to catch our flight for the next adventure. Check out our vlogs that Mike put together about our Colorado trip, you can also see how I pack in another one, and you can head over to Mike's music channel to watch "Daylight" (a video he made with Convoy of Hope in Tanzania). Thanks for reading and supporting our family!!